Sunday, June 10, 2012

Outhouses to Cathedrals (and everything in between)

Since I (Alex) am not a full blown adult with a real job yet I still get summer vacation.  However since I am a grad student the powers at be decided we didn’t need three months of summer vacation but that three weeks would suffice.  Therefore my summer break has come and gone already.  When we started classes again this past week we all wanted to hear about the adventures of our classmates over break.  One went backpacking in Europe, another spent time in Alaska, someone else got married and spent her honeymoon in Costa Rica.  The traveling I did in my three weeks off wasn’t quite as exciting but still entertaining never the less—and I could just tell that my classmates were jealous of my great stories. 

My first trip was a tour of southeast Kansas.  My mom and I were on our way to visit my grandmother in the Joplin, Missouri area and we decided to take a different route than we usually do.  This route took us through Medicine Lodge, home of Carrie Nation who was against the use of alcohol and spent her free time taking a hatchet to bars.  Next we drove through Sharon, KS home of Martina Mc Bride.  In Wellington I got the chance to see where my mom grew up during her childhood.  The next town was Elk Falls—probably the highlight of the trip.  Elk Falls has a population of 107 and is the self-proclaimed World’s Largest Living Ghost Town.  If that isn’t enough of a claim to fame, it is also the outhouse capitol of Kansas.  We drove down Main Street (or what is left of it with all the potholes) and saw at least 4 outhouses.  There is an outhouse tour as well—the sign says that “the tour is a gas” but we passed up on that.  Speaking of gas, we were in need of some—the automotive kind that is.  The gas gauge said we had 65 miles of fuel left and the next decent size town was 68 miles away.  Elk Falls didn’t have a gas station so we drove on.  The next town was Longton—no gas here either but it is supposedly the white-tail deer capital of Kansas.  We then cruised into Moline which had a gas station—much to my mother’s relief and is also home to the oldest swinging bridge in Kansas.  This was another quick stop so I could walk across it although I was slightly disappointed in its swinginess- which apparently isn’t a word.  For the next few miles in the Flint Hills I had to keep Mom from jumping out of the car to steal rocks from pastures and fence lines for a Bible school craft project.  (Bible school craft teachers will stop at nothing to get their supplies—through the years I have been dumpster diving for pop bottles and eating large amounts of oatmeal and peanut butter so she could use the empty containers.  I knew the idea of getting arrested for trespassing and stealing probably wasn’t going to keep her from those rocks.)  The next point of interest was Columbus which was where Mom went to high school so I got to see the track where she had an unfortunate run-in with a hurdle during PE class and the street where all the cool kids dragged Main in the summer. 
This trip had been plenty of excitement for me and I didn’t think it would be possible to top the excitement of the Elk Falls outhouses but as we turned the corner to my grandma’s that changed.  People were lining the road, police were everywhere, and there was a gigantic cargo plane at the airport.  We stopped at pickup something for dinner and found out that President Obama was coming to town to speak at the Joplin High School graduation since it had been 1 year since the tornado.  While we were there Air Force One flew over and we couldn’t cross the street since it was blocked off so we stood around and watched the presidential motorcade drive past which was pretty cool.  (It was less cool and more of an inconvenience later that evening when we wanted to go somewhere but had to wait since the motorcade was headed back to the airport and the roads were blocked off again.)
The other half of my tour of Kansas was to the northwest part of the state.  My boyfriend grew up in that part of the state so we were headed to his hometown for the weekend.  Our original plans were to stop and see the Garden of Eden in Lucas, KS which consists of a collection of concrete statues a Civil War veteran made.  However, it was raining so we opted for something indoors instead.  We stopped in Victoria at the Cathedral of the Plains.  This is one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas (and yes there are more than 8 wonders in Kansas for those of you who may be wondering that).  It is a gorgeous limestone church built by the families of the parish in the early 1900s.  The size is impressive and inside there are numerous stain glass windows, wood cravings, and a large altar.  We then traveled on to Hays to visit the Sternberg Museum which is full of fossils that were discovered in the region.  Other highlights of the trip included seeing my first rattlesnake in the wild at a state park and participating in the Philipsburg Riverless River Festival Run (a spoof off of Wichita’s River Festival).  I did find it ironic that while running in the Riverless Run I crossed a creek three times.  Philipsburg is also home to the largest rodeo in Kansas.  While it wasn’t rodeo weekend, the PBR (professional bull riders) was in town so we watched some bull riding as well.  In traveling from northwest portion of the state back to Kansas City—you can see a lot of Kansas in 6 hours of driving—I got to see one of my favorite Kansas tourist sights—the world’s largest ball of twine in Cawker City. 
So there you have it—my tour of Kansas and many of its superlatives. 

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